Automated hydroponic device for growing fresh green crops.
Goal: To ensure autonomous year-round cultivation of plants in an enclosed space using hydroponic technology for their supply to the university cafeteria.
Study theoretical literature on the subject.
Master the method of hydroponics in theory and practice.
Build an autonomous hydroponic station.
Grow samples of cultivated plants.
Hydroponics is a variation of hydroculture, which involves growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrient solutions in a water-based solvent. Terrestrial plants can be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or their roots can be supported by an inert medium such as perlite or gravel. Advantages of hydroponics include:
Efficient use of fertilizers: All substances are absorbed by the plants, and nothing is deposited in the soil or groundwater. It does not have any negative impact on soil microorganisms' life processes.
No need for herbicides: With hydroponic cultivation, there are no weeds to compete with the plants since they have no source to grow from.
Water conservation: Hydroponics allows for water recycling and efficient water usage, resulting in significant water savings compared to traditional soil-based cultivation methods.
Ability to grow plants in extreme conditions: Hydroponics provides the opportunity to cultivate plants in challenging environments, such as areas with poor soil quality or limited access to arable land.
Realization of plant potential: Optimal conditions for plant growth are created in terms of nutrition, lighting, temperature, and humidity. These conditions help plants channel their energy into growth, flowering, and fruiting.
not suitable for all plants
complex construction
complicated water composition control - constantly monitoring and controlling the water composition in the system is difficult.