The improvement of the territory of the student campus at M. Kozibayev SKSU is a factor in improving the ecological and aesthetic condition by creating thematic collections of woody and shrubby vegetation. The formation of a plant collection will fill the existing vacant areas and create areas for use by the faculty, students, and staff for scientific, educational, and introduction purposes.
Proposed solution: Greening of non-green areas with the formation of a prospective introduction base for the implementation of woody and shrubby species of the following zones in the forest and agricultural regions:
North Kazakhstan forest-steppe zone
Eurasian alpine, mixed, and broad-leaved forests.
The goal is to form a plant collection with scientific, educational, introduction, and aesthetic functions.
Monitoring the greening of the campus using remote sensing methods.
Creating an aesthetically and ecologically attractive appearance of the campus.
Forming a collection of plants valuable for introduction from zones with similar natural-climatic conditions.
Establishing a base for conducting classes for students in biological, forestry, landscape, and other related fields.