The use of GIS technologies for planning campus greening

Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university
Goal: Develop geoinformation support for the planning of greening the campus of the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozibayev

  1. Conduct an analytical review of domestic and international experience in geoinformation mapping, creation, and use of GIS technologies for greening territories.
  2. Develop a model and methodology for creating a geographic information system (GIS) of the university campus.
  3. Conduct methodological testing and develop GIS - digital cartographic foundation and database for NKU named after M. Kozibayev.
  4. Based on GIS technologies, develop recommendations for planning the greening of the campus territory of NKU named after M. Kozibayev.

  • Campus greening.
  • Spatial organization of the campus.
  • Landscape design and landscaping.
  • Official university website.
  • University admissions committee.
  • Improved campus greening.
  • Increased efficiency in organizing the campus space.
  • Enhanced informational content and functionality of the university website.
  • Promotional tool for successful positioning of the university at the national and international levels.
  • Utilization during the admissions campaign.
  • Utilization for the adaptation of first-year students, international students, and students participating in academic mobility programs.
  • Opportunity for territory monitoring and assessment of the quality of infrastructure projects implementation (road repairs, landscaping, etc.).
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