Small Observatory Building at NU campus & Power consumption from RE polygon
Nazarbayev University
The project's aim is to build an observatory building and install a small telescope on the NU campus. The purpose of the small telescope on the NU campus is three-fold:
First, due to its location on the NU campus, this is a convenient venue for testing novel technologies before installing them on our remote telescope at Assy-Turgen Observatory.
Second, we will use this telescope for educational purposes. Students taking various courses at NU (e.g., Astronomy) can train their skills using the telescope.
Third, the telescope can be used for public outreach. During astronomical events (e.g, solar and lunar eclipse, supernovae, etc), we will organize public events, where members of the public will be welcomed on campus to view the event from our telescope. This will also increase the exposure to NU to the public and it will be a good advertisement of our programs among potential students.
Finally, we plan to use RE from solar panels installed on NU RES polygon